Ok, that was the first time I've missed a post, but be honest: a lot of my posts aren't worth the bits they take up.
Last night was the character creation session for my D&D game that's going to start with Keep on the Shadowfell (H1). Here's the party we have:
- Levcis, Tiefling Warlord - This is the most adventurous character we have, as he's actually possessed on occasion by two Demons
- Digron, Dwarven Cleric of Pelor
- Raistlin (I may have to get this changed, but it's kind of funny), Human Wizard
- Balasar, Dragonborn Fighter (with Expanded Lightning Breath!)
- Cassandra, Elf Rogue (motto: "Take Him!" *points at ally next to her*)
- Sil, Half-Elf Star Pact Warlock (he took the wizard's Ray of Frost for an encounter power)
I left them with as close to cliffhanger as I can, leading them right into the ambush that makes up the first encounter. I plan on rolling back the clock just a little bit so we can get a bit of roleplaying out of them as no one should expect the Spanish Inquisition.
I can already see some corrections and additions I need to make to some of the character sheets, but that's ok because even I was overwhelmed. Someone really needs to come up with a step by step way to fill out character sheets, or at least make such a way more prominent. Also, and I don't know if this is normal or not, but I'm assuming that classes that use implements have non-magical, non-enhancing implements that they use to channel some or all of their powers through.
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